Yesterday I left the ranch for only the second time since lambing has begun, to pick up my friend Annie at the Airport Express in Petaluma. Annie and I returned to the ranch and were driving up to the barns when we saw Lisa on top of the hill in the middle pasture, waving frantically at us like a signaler with semaphores. At her feet was a ewe and it looked like a lamb with her. It had been rainy and cold all day but was not raining at the moment. Annie and I drove up to the barn, grabbed the “crash kit” with towels and gloves, lube and a syringe for clearing fluids from the throats of newborns, and ran up the hill to meet Lisa. Lisa had found Emylou in the process of delivering triplets and all were born by the time we got there. All were doing well, and Lisa was glowing with happiness. It was a very sweet moment. More white Romnesians, two girls and a boy, if I remember right. We each picked up a lamb, and, crooning to the mother to keep her following her new lambs, we got mother and babes back to the barn, go the lambs weighed (close to 10 lbs each!) and got all snugged away into an extra large “triplet-suite” lambing jug.

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