We weighed the lambs yesterday and they all are growing beautifully. We are very proud of all six of our triplet-moms, who are raising their triplet lambs very well! Celeste, our 6-year-old Romney ewe with triplets is hilarious–she won’t go anywhere unless she has all three of her lambs by her side, and seems to be counting constantly: “1,2,3…1,2,3…1,2,3.” A very attentive mother. The lambs are growing very well, with the triplet lambs generally gaining 3/4 lb/day average since birth and some of the twin lambs gaining 1 lb/day or more! We had a couple of lambs just one month old and weighing 50 to 60 lbs! Our mothers and lambs are enjoying the hilltop pasture. The concrete footings that historically held the guy wires for the Marconi radio towers make really cool play structures.