We have just 2 shots at getting Moorit (brown) lambs this season; our two Moorit-carrier ewes, Aulait and Cap, each of whom carries one copy of the recessive Moorit gene, are bred to our Moorit rams Cordoba and Panama. Each lamb born to these ewes has a 50% chance of inheriting that recessive gene from its mother, and being a Moorit. We had our hearts set on a Moorit ewe-lamb, as we didn’t get one last year, and this morning Aulait obliged, with a lovely big Moorit girl–a single, but that makes her that much more precious, and we are thrilled to have her. Aulait got her name because her mother was named Café, but we jokingly call her Olè, because of her explosive personality. The first time she came down the chute in our corrals, she jumped clear out, just as I announced her name, “Aulait,” and of course Lolo and Melinda thought of the bull-fight cheer, “Olè!” As a mother she is tender and loving and is taking good care of her girl, who, in keeping with the Café-Aulait theme, we named Mocha.