Our Corriedale ewe, Shade, lambed yesterday afternoon while we were still scrambling to get ready for lambing. She had two black lambs, a boy and a girl, and I brought them into the barn, took care of the lambs and put the new family in a jug. I told Lolo that Shade had had black twins, and he went to the barn to see them and what did he see but a white lamb! Yep, she had a third when nobody was looking, so we have triplets to begin the season. All are healthy and Shade loves them all. Their father is Perry the Cormo, so these are half-Cormo half-Corriedales, known around here as “Periwinkles.”
Bingo followed Shade with a single girl, and this morning Melinda found our Corriedale ewe Prudence, in labor. She had two white lambs, a girl and a boy, also “Periwinkles.”