October is breeding season and our five rams, Perry the Cormo, Dale the Corriedale, Mitt the Romney, Chuck the Romney and Doe-eyed Joe the East Friesian, are all busy courting their harems. We have had some requests for 3/4 East Friesian ewe lambs for back-yard dairies and so we picked the three “Romnesian” girls who aren’t too closely related to Joe, to be his girlfriends. I was sorry we couldn’t breed more to him, but we will do this again next year, maybe with some of our “Friedales.” Joe and his girls, Bronwen, Hillary and Marigold, are a tight little family.

Chuck the Romney has grown into a very handsome ram. His fleece is quite fine, so we’re breeding him to our Romneys with the finest fleeces, as well as those who are Mitt’s daughters. He and Thelma Lou make an adorable couple! We are hoping they have a pair of beautiful fine-fleeced daughters. They both carry a recessive color gene, so I’m hoping for one white and one with recessive color.

Good-Daughter’s white girl, Sugar, is still one of our sweetest lambs. She took a moment from her courtship with Perry to pose for a selfie with Melinda.