Our Lamb
Our lambs are born in March, just as the West Marin pastures are growing lush and green. Our lambs get to stay with their mothers for three months, grazing together on the pastures, and still having a drink of mother’s milk when they want it. The daughters of our best ewes stay on to join our flock, and we also make some of our best lambs available for sale as breeding stock.
The rest of our lambs, after a happy life on green pastures, are humanely harvested for sale to private clients who want a cut-and-wrapped lamb for their freezer. Our lambs are harvested on the ranch where they have lived their whole lives, with no stressful transport or unfamiliar conditions. You can be assured that your Barinaga Ranch lamb had a happy life here, and a stress-free slaughter. We are now taking reservations for 2023 lambs. If you are interested in reserving a freezer-lamb for next season, please e-mail me and put “lamb” in the subject line. I will send you a price breakdown and explanation of how the process works.
If you are interested in buying lambs as breeding stock, please email me with “breeding stock” in the subject line. Check our sale page for breeding stock that are currently available.