Today was shearing day at the ranch. We sheared everyone, from the old retired ewes to this year’s ewe lambs, and everyone in between, including the ewes we’ll be breeding, and all of our rams. John Sanchez, our shearer, was tireless and always cheerful. And Lolo, Melinda and Lisa were awesome. I did my best to help, but I just had shoulder surgery a week and a half ago, so my role was choreographer. There is a lot to choreograph, because we have so many groups, in so many different pastures, that a lot to time was spent moving the different groups. The ewe lambs were adorable–after shedding their woolen coats they looked so tiny, and started behaving like young lambs again, frolicking and being silly. The rams came into the shearing area last, and were very excited to smell all the evidence of the ewes who had been there before them. Breeding begins October 13!