Seasonal Lamb for Your Freezer

Our lambs are born in March and spend their first three months on green pastures with their mothers. They are weaned in mid-June and available as whole lambs for your freezer beginning in July. If you would like a lamb for your freezer in 2025, please email me and I will send you details. You know that your Barinaga Ranch lamb had a very happy, healthy life on beautiful pastures, always with good food, fresh water and shelter from heat and storms. No crowding, no feed lots, lots of loving attention, and a humane slaughter.

We also have some older ewes available to be sold for meat. The price/lb is less than half that of lamb, and the meat is delicious. Some prefer to use it to stock their freezers with ground and stew meat. Email me if you are interested in a ewe this season.  

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