Celeste with Sky King, and Aurora in the rear
Our first lambs of the season were born last night, twins, a boy and a girl, to Celeste, our 8-year-old Romney ewe. Celeste took care of everything by herself, thank you very much, this is not her first rodeo. She went into labor after Lisa checked the barn at midnight, and had the lambs cleaned off, dry and nursing by the time Melinda got to the barn at 7:00. Last year, her first year with us, Celeste had triplets and was a fierce and devoted mother, never letting a triplet out of her sight (“One-two-three, One-two-three…”) Celeste and her new twins are in a jug in the barn, Celeste standing guard and stamping her foot at anyone who ventures too close. Keeping with the Celestial theme, we named the lambs Aurora (after my colorful great-aunt Aurora) and Sky-King, a nod to Lisa’s fondness of 1950’s westerns.
Celeste with her triplets in 2019
Celeste with her triplets in 2019

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