An Abscessed Foot
Moon is recovering from a painful abscessed foot…
Yesterday was a slow lambing day, but the highlight of the day was a visit from the entire staff of MALT, the Marin Agricultural Land Trust. MALT holds a conservation easement on our ranch and I consider them partners in our work–their stewardship staff are important advisors for us on everything from invasive weed management
Mo was on the early shift this morning, and got to the barn just after 6:00 to find Aulait with a newborn Moorit girl, born at 5:55 and already nursing! Aulait is a good mother–she gave us Mocha last year and we hope this girl is another out of that mold. Aulait tends to have
We had a pasture surprise this morning, our ewe Meryl with twins in the pasture, born in the night, dry and warm and with full bellies. Meryl was a perfect mother and handled her birth like a pro. Melinda was elated to find them and snuggle those little lambs in the crook of her arm
We lost our beloved ewe Mocha last weekend, but she taught us some lessons on the way out…
So Cap’s bottle lamb has been christened “Basil,” and is living her dream life as a bottle-raised lamb at Deer Hollow Farm, and educational farm in Mountain View, where she charms visitors, including these first graders.