As the rainy season begins and the ranch comes alive with new growth, it is the time of year to sow seeds, apply compost and plant trees, all practices that sequester carbon and improve the health of our soil. Last year we applied compost and seed to about 35 acres of cattle pasture, and planted a windrow of 9 Monterey Cypress trees that will eventually provide shade for our sheep.

This year we applied compost and seed to about 7 acres of sheep pasture where we are trying to control foxtails, but our bigger project this year is a 20-tree windrow at the top of the lamb-park. Once the trees are established, next year we will plant a second row of shrubs, for a multi-species window that will provide wildlife habitat, wind protection and shade, as well as sequestering carbon in the soil.

Today was a gorgeous day for planting trees, and we will have them all staked and fenced by the end of the week before the next big rainstorm comes in.